Payment Options

Choose Your Payment Option

Statements are sent out monthly and are due upon receipt. You will not receive a statement if you have a balance of $5.00 or less. If you rent a dispenser, the rental is due on the current month. Your water deliveries are billed the following month. For example, your deliveries for March are payable in April. We have several options for you to pay your bill.

Click here to make a payment online.

We have Auto Pay where your outstanding balance is automatically debited from your card on either the 5th or 20th of each month.

We accept all major credit or debit cards by phone or fax at no cost you. Our customer service agents will be happy to assist you Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at 487-7777.  Our fax number is 487-7609, attn: Accounts Payable.

You can mail in a check or money order made payable to “Menehune Water Company”. Please do not send cash through the mail or pay your delivery representative.

If you prefer paying in cash, our Will Call window is open during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

How to Read Your Statement

1. Customer ID = 123   (note: Customer ID is the same as customer number)

2. 900000P-IN = Invoice Number

3. 01/11/2016 = Date Bottles were picked up and dropped off.  Transaction Date

4. 1 5DIST, 2 5PURE =  (1) 5 Gallon Distilled and (2) 5 Gallon Purified.
There was a total of 3 bottles dropped off and 3 empty bottles picked up.

If there is no “DEP” (Deposit) or “RET” (Return) notation, it was an even exchange for empty bottles for full.

If there are more bottles picked up then dropped off, it will show a “RET”.  Customer will get a bottle deposit credit.

If there are more bottles dropped off then picked up, it will show a “DEP”.  Customer will be charged a bottle deposit.

DIST = Distilled
PURE = Purified
RET = Returned Bottle Deposit is credited
DEP = Bottle Deposit is charged

5. 2222222-CR = Credit Applied for Payment

6. 0001234567-CM = Credit Memo

7. Monthly Rental = Cooler monthly rental cost billed on the first of each month.